Alloyworks Aluminum Core Radiator For Perkins 404D 10000-54916 998-515 U45506580

Alloyworks Aluminum Core Radiator For Perkins 404D 10000-54916 998-515 U45506580

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Core Material: Aluminum
Tank Material: Plastic
Core Diameter: 19 2/3'' x 12 8/9''
Overall Diameter: 26 1/9'' x 14 1/6''
Inlet Size: 1 1/3''
Outlet Size:1 1/3''
Please Check the Picture and Size Before You Buy!

For Perkins 404D
Engine Type : EK
Engine Type : EL
EL71130N EL71132N
Engine Type : EN
EN71048N EN71141N EN71204N

Engine Type : GK  Engine Model: 403D-15
GK438-7867N GK65595U GK65596N GK65596R GK65596U GK65597N GK65597R GK65597U GK65607N GK65607U GK65669N GK65669R GK65669U GK65670N GK65670U GK65671N GK65671U GK65681N GK65681R GK65681U GK65683N GK65683U GK65714N GK65749U GK65760U GK65797R GK65797U GK65833U GK65861U GK65862U GK65863U GK65883U GK65884U GK65885U GK65890N GK65890R GK65890U GK65892R GK65892U GK65894R GK65894U GK65895N GK65895R GK65895U GK65900N GK65900R GK65900U GK65903N GK65903R GK65903U GK65926U GK65928N GK66023N GK66045U GK66052U GK66130U GK71017N GK71019N GK71038N GK71038R GK71104N GK71152U GK71188N GK82493U

Engine Type : GN  Engine Model: 404D-22
GN438-7868N GN65659N GN65659R GN65659U GN65660N GN65660R GN65660U GN65661N GN65661R GN65661U GN65674N GN65674R GN65674U GN65675N GN65675R GN65675U GN65676N GN65676U GN65682N GN65682U GN65732N GN65732R GN65732U GN65733N GN65733R GN65733U GN65734R GN65734U GN65735U GN65750U GN65756N GN65759U GN65796R GN65796U GN65842N GN65842U GN65843U GN65858U GN65864U GN65865U GN65866U GN65867U GN65868U GN65869U GN65871U GN65873U GN65875U GN65876U GN65880U GN65882U GN65886N GN65886R GN65886U GN65889N GN65889R GN65889U GN65891N GN65891R GN65891U GN65893R GN65893U GN65896N GN65896R GN65896U GN65897N GN65897R GN65897U GN65901R GN65901U GN65902N GN65902R GN65902U GN65904R GN65904U GN65905N GN65905R GN65905U GN65906R GN65906U GN65907R GN65907U GN66010N GN66031U GN66044U GN66095U GN66115U GN66125U GN66131U GN71015N GN71022N GN71039N GN71039R GN71153U GN71170R GN71181R GN71190N GN71224N GN82285U GN82359U GN82364U

Engine Type : GU
GU51794R GU51794U GU51795R GU51796R GU51798R GU51798U GU51799R GU51800R GU51804R GU51805R GU51809U GU51810U

Engine Type : GV
GV51790R GV51790U GV51791R GV51792R GV51793U GV51803R GV51811U
Engine Type : HL  Engine Model: 403C-15
HL35100U HL35101N HL35101U HL35102U HL35111U HL35113N HL35113U HL35128N HL35128U HL35161N HL35161U HL35162U HL35166N HL35166U HL35167N HL35167U HL35197U HL35198U HL35199U HL35206U HL35207U HL35208U HL35215U HL35216U HL35217U HL51102U HL51103U HL51104U HL51105U HL51112U HL51113U HL51114U HL51115U HL51122U HL51123U HL51124U HL51125U HL51150U HL70519U HL81385U HL81500U HL81501U HL81536U HL81545U

Engine Type : HP  Engine Model: 404C-22
HP30845U HP35105N HP35105U HP35107U HP35108N HP35108U HP35109U HP35110N HP35110U HP35112U HP35126N HP35126U HP35163N HP35163U HP35164U HP35168N HP35168U HP35169U HP35171N HP35171U HP35182U HP35200U HP35201U HP35202U HP35203U HP35204U HP35205U HP35209U HP35210U HP35211U HP35212U HP35213U HP35214U HP35218U HP35219U HP35220U HP35221U HP35222U HP35223U HP51099U HP51100U HP51101U HP51106U HP51107U HP51108U HP51109U HP51110U HP51111U HP51116U HP51117U HP51118U HP51119U HP51120U HP51121U HP51126U HP51127U HP51128U HP51144U HP51145U HP51146U HP65065U HP70520U HP70552N HP70552U HP70585N HP70585U HP81386U HP81387U HP81467U HP81498U HP81499U HP81549U HP81550U

1. The Core is made from high-quality Aluminum. Its light-weight and high-heat transferring aluminum features a tube and fin design that, dramatically increases surface area that enables the heat to dissipate more efficiently. Radiators are essential in keeping your engine cool and removing excess heat that accumulates when the engine burns fuel. A failing radiator can lead to engine and transmission failure caused by overheating.
2. Good sealing.  All of the new radiators will be inspected before selling (including 100% leaking test).
3. OE design to ensure exact fit, form and function for an easy drop-in installation
4. Built with high-density multi-Lowered fins for maximum cooling efficiency
5. Highest grade plastic tanks with aluminum core - made to withstand rust and wear, Effective Heat Dissipation.

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