4 Row Aluminum Radiator For 75-79 Dodge D/W 100 150 200 300 Pickup 5.2L 5.9L V8

4 Row Aluminum Radiator For 75-79 Dodge D/W 100 150 200 300 Pickup 5.2L 5.9L V8

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1975-1978 Dodge B100 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8
1976-1978 Dodge B100 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1971-1974 Dodge B100 Van 5.2L 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1974 Dodge B100 Van 7.2L 7211CC 440Cu. In. V8

1975-1978 Dodge B200 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1975 Dodge B200 7.2L 7211CC 440Cu. In. V8
1971-1974 Dodge B200 Van 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1974 Dodge B200 Van 7.2L 7211CC 440Cu. In. V8

1975-1978 Dodge B300 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1975 Dodge B300 7.2L 7211CC 440Cu. In. V8
1971-1974 Dodge B300 Van 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1974 Dodge B300 Van 7.2L 7211CC 440Cu. In. V8

1970-1973 Plymouth Barracuda 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8
1972-1973 Plymouth Barracuda 5.6L 340Cu. In. V8

1970 Plymouth Belvedere 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8

1974-1978 Dodge CB300 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1970-1973 Dodge Challenger 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8
1972-1973 Dodge Challenger 5.6L 340Cu. In. V8
1974 Dodge Challenger 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1975-1979 Dodge D100 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8 & 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8
1972-1974 Dodge D100 Pickup 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1977-1979 Dodge D150 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1975-1979 Dodge D200 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1972-1974 Dodge D200 Pickup 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1975-1979 Dodge D300 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1972-1974 Dodge D300 Pickup 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1979 Dodge D400 & D450 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1975-1978 Plymouth PB100 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8
1976-1978 Plymouth PB100 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1974 Plymouth PB100 Van 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1975-1978 Plymouth PB200 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1976-1978 Plymouth PB200 6.6L 400Cu. In. V8 & 7.2L 7211CC 440Cu. In. V8
1974 Plymouth PB200 Van 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1975-1978 Plymouth PB300 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1976-1978 Plymouth PB300 6.6L 400Cu. In. V8 & 7.2L 7211CC 440Cu. In. V8
1974 Plymouth PB300 Van 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1974-1979 Dodge Ramcharger 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1979 Dodge RD200 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1972-1973 Plymouth Road Runner 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8
1971-1973 Plymouth Road Runner 5.6L 340Cu. In. V8

1972 Plymouth Satellite 5.6L 5572CC 340Cu. In. V8

1974-1979 Plymouth Trailduster 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1977-1978 Plymouth Trailduster 6.6L 400Cu. In. V8
1974-1978 Plymouth Trailduster 7.2L 7211CC 440Cu. In. V8

1975-1977 Dodge W100 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1972-1974 Dodge W100 Pickup 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1977-1979 Dodge W150 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1975-1979 Dodge W200 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1972-1974 Dodge W200 Pickup 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

1975-1978 Dodge W300 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8
1975-1979 Dodge W300 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8
1972-1974 Dodge W300 Pickup 5.2L 5211CC 318Cu. In. V8 & 5.9L 360Cu. In. V8

Core Material: All Aluminum
Tank Material: AA5052 Aircraft Grade Aluminum
Surface Finish: Raw Aluminum Unpainted
Includes CNC machined filler neck and cap
Including OEM Style Brass Petcock Drain.
High Performance Racing Spec.
4-Row of tubes Core Racing Design
Down Flow Or Cross Flow Type: Cross Flow
Core Size: 17.87" W x 21.65" H
Overall Size: 25.39" x 23.35"
Inlet Hose Connection: 1 1/2"On Driver Side
Outlet Hose Connection: 1 3/4"On Passenger Side
Transmission Oil Cooler: Included
Cool Up To: 750hp
Please Check the Size Before You Buy!

100% Brand New Item
The Radiator are 100% welded seams by TIG
We All Products With Made By OEM Approved & ISO Certified Manufacturers With Materials That Meets Or Exceeds Strict OEM Requirements
AA5052 Aircraft Grade Aluminum Radiator The core of the radiator is welded in vacuum brazing furnace, no epoxy.
This Aluminum Radiator is designed to provide maximum cooling efficiency to prevent premature engine failure. Its light-weight, and high-heat transferring aluminum features a tube and fin design that, dramatically increases surface area that enables the heat to dissipate more efficiently.
This Aluminum Radiator is at least 35%-45% more efficient than stock ones. Most importantly, it has a much higher capacity for coolant than stock ones, which means that your cooling system will be more efficient and will be more resistant to temperature surges in racing applications.

Aluminum plate is pressed, high quality and durable.





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